ReTour 2023: exploring the latest trends in active travel facilities

Remit Consulting's annual ReTour event, held recently in central London, not only brought together developers, architects, occupiers and active travel specialists to experience the end-of-journey facilities within a number of office properties, but went beyond the traditional cycle ride and included a dynamic 90-minute Q&A panel session, covering a diverse range of topics, providing an opportunity to have a comprehensive discussion about how the market is responding to the increase in active travel. Participants delved into crucial issues and emerging trends, aiming to shape the future of active travel facilities.

Here are some of the highlights and key takeaways from ReTour 2023.

Differentiating Between e-Scooter and e-Bike Batteries:

There is a growing concern surrounding batteries in the context of active travel facilities, specifically, a need to address the misconceptions between non-compliant e-Scooter battery fires and compliant e-Bike batteries. Unfortunately, this confusion has resulted in cargo bike operators being denied access to loading bays in office buildings. There is clearly a need to educate facility managers (FMs) about the differences between these battery types to ensure the safe and efficient integration of active travel facilities into urban environments.

Addressing planning issues:

Despite significant pressure to resolve the issue, the persistent challenge posed by planning conditions remains a blocker for active travel facilities in new developments. Some local authorities still enforce outdated end-of-trip features that do not align with the current market demand and industry standards. It is crucial for stakeholders in the active travel sector to collaborate with authorities to ensure planning conditions reflect the evolving needs of commuters and facilitate the integration of sustainable travel options.

Harnessing the power of data:

Data is a major untapped resource. During the Q&A, participants explored opportunities to pool data from various sources, enabling the active travel market to better plan and manage resources for the real estate industry. It was agreed that, by harnessing data insights, stakeholders can make informed decisions to optimise infrastructure, improve user experiences, and support sustainable transportation solutions.

ReTour 2023 highlighted the importance of collectively working towards sustainable transportation solutions, creating a future where active travel facilities seamlessly integrate with our urban landscapes, enabling healthier and more environmentally friendly modes of transportation.

A musical montage of photos from ReTour 2023