Lorna's Logic: Just one Cornetto

It probably seems to anyone reading these snippets that I spend my life in the sunshine; oh, if only. However, this short trip away was a true city break and this time to beautiful Venice.

Venice fared pretty well during the pandemic, but then there are apparently only around 5,000 true Venetians living there: the rest are occasional, rich second/third homers.

So three things struck me about the place. Firstly, it is extraordinarily lovely and devoid of all cars and bicycles and so exhaust fumes (smelly canals and sewers notwithstanding) and vehicular danger are pretty much absent.

Secondly, though, it is virtually inaccessible for the disabled (I saw a total of four wheelchair users over five days and around the periphery only). For Venice this is virtually impossible to overcome without radically altering the historic infrastructure and so it will remain out of bounds for the physically disabled, though maybe a haven for those whose disabilities are linked to loud noises or bright, flashing lights.

Lastly, though, it reminded me of how those with money make it impossible for locals to stay so. How a born and bred Venetian could ever afford to own or even rent a property is beyond reality and similar to the situation on our own doorsteps.

Must go, as I am jetting down to my cottage in Salcombe.

Only kidding (I am a local, after all).

Have a happy Easter!