Lorna's Logic: Presenteeism

So why has presenteeism (a word which irks me) become synonymous with success? This sentiment was uttered by someone I cannot recall, but I agree with it wholeheartedly.

Our figures on ReTurn are derived from actual data, taken from access control systems, yet we are occasionally faced with a challenge on our numbers by those asserting “their building” is at 80% capacity. Of course, it might be – our figures are aggregated and so there will be peaks and troughs. However, the important thing here is to ask why is it so competitive.

Why does it matter if an office is not being used to its full capacity if the employees are still churning out the work? You could argue that it is an unnecessary cost and the value of the asset is damaged, yet why? Does a house have to be occupied all the time?

There are studies which show we are less productive than we think whilst working from home, largely due to the excessive number of meetings. If going to the office becomes a joy, then we should be welcoming our return, just not necessarily every day.